🎙️ Very much enjoyed this episode of Scriptnotes with Christopher Nolan. I’ve never read a movie script and know very little about film-making. Still, his thoughts on how a script should come together and translate onto the screen are fascinating. Great interview by @johnaugust@mastodon.art!

TIL that if you don’t release from a long press to bring up a context menu in iOS, you can move your finger up and down to a menu item and it will select it on release. In use, it feels pretty close to 3D Touch, which makes me happy.

This analogy checks out. 🎙️


Not gonna lie, it was pretty cool to see this bit on the big screen. 🍿

Just some wildly diabolical stuff you aren’t taught about the United States' pro-Nazi bits in the lead up to our involvement in WW2. 🎙️


You know, I hadn’t considered that when you allow people to say and follow terrible things on your ad-driven platform, almost by necessity will ads be served up next to that terrible content for those users. As Ben says, it does put ad-supported (vs. subscriber-only) networks in a pickle. 🎙️

Holy smokes, the lengths the Planet Earth crew went to for getting both the shot and to take care not to disturb the critters nor their habitats are jaw-dropping and heartwarming. 🎙️


Loved this @Launched@mastodon.social episode with @neiljhaveri@mastodon.social about Mimestream. You could hear the smile on his face the whole time. 🎙️


After 5+ miles and 3000 feet of elevation gain, I was surprised he still had this much gas left in the tank. 🐶

🎙️ The first half of Connected this week had me giggling like an idiot. One of the highlights of every week. (Out of respect for @ismh@eworld.social’s strong feelings, this will not be cross posted to Threads 😝)

🎙️ Holy smokes, great tip @viticci@macstories.net! Our PS5 has been plugged into Ethernet for…3+ years and I never knew it was falling back to Wi-Fi. 60 seconds to go through the settings and set up the wired connection and now it’s getting 6x the download speed! Sony should revisit that default.

This is exactly the out-of-the-box thinking I like to see from big companies. I’d totally sign up for those services and I wouldn’t pay for Netflix in my car. This CEO knows they should own the car experience, and it’s a different goal than owning everything people do in their car. Great interview.

🎙️ Legacy Series: Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia, Muses About His Early Days of Climbing

You probably know Yvon Chouinard as the founder of the Patagonia clothing company. But that man sure has lived a full life outside of selling outdoor sportswear, and done a lot of good. 🧗

Today’s adventure: 5 pitches of über-classic Gunks routes with a dear friend. A crisp, late fall day with gorgeus views but surprisingly few folks at the cliff to share them with. Few things can quiet my mind while simultaneously requiring intense focus and intricate movement like climbing.🧗

Panoramic view of an autumnal New Paltz, NY from the Gunks cliffs.Two men in climbing gear smiling at the camera with a lard rock wall to their right.Me, rock climbing and waving at the camera from far above.Looking down at the rest of the Gunks cliff where there’s another climber and trees far below in the background.

Nilay is onto something here.

Said another way, a wearable product has to be way more useful for you to tolerate it being on your face. But I’d also posit that the threshold of necessary usefulness goes down the more inconspicuous the gadget is compared to “normal”, non-smart accessories.

An apt analogy from The Dirtbag Diaries describing how outward peace and balance often mask inner turmoil and a sense of being pulled in all directions.


A thought I’ve had more than once lately: If I had to replace my iPad Pro (which I use mostly as a laptop in the Magic Keyboard case), would I replace it with another iPad or with a MacBook Air instead? The power of macOS in that superlight design sure is appealing.


Woohoo! 🇺🇸 I’m heartened that voters are getting out and clawing back their rights. overcast.fm/+eaddsIsl…

🔗 Just Don’t Remove the Function Keys

Old ideas have a way of coming back, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Touch Bar come back in some new form down the road, and I hope that if it does it will take lessons from the Stream Deck.

@matt@isfeeling.social said everything I wanted to about the Touch Bar in this post. I like how we’re all converging on this idea that Touch Bar plus the Function Row could have been great.

The moment when Nilay recognizes his next hard-hitting, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalism topic: The injustice of shipping computers that require a wired keyboard for setup, but don’t include them in the box, in 2023. overcast.fm/+QN1pA_VZ…

Aw hell yeah! Can’t wait!

In addition to playing videos in-app, the macOS app will also get the ability to play in a new separate window.

Play 2.0 is going to be great!

Over a million children in schools where guns have been confiscated? Good god, that’s terrifying. They’ve gotta go.


Yes, thank you @manton! I much prefer when your RSS feed always points back to your own domain. Make the external link to whatever you’re highlighting obvious, but I subscribed to you. I want to be taken to your site first. It’s more clear, and clear is better.

Shop Talk #586

You might have thought that @burk was joking. He wasn’t joking. 🤣 https://overcast.fm/+hdKPtaH1s/35:36

A thank you sign with Hemispheric Views podcast stickers and a ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Blu-ray Disc.

You know, I heard on @upgrade@relayfm.social that the Podcastathon thing was pretty fun, but also good and tough. 😂